Saturday, September 14, 2013

How My Digital Footprint Will Affect My Future

Abba's Story, which was introduced to me in my blog assignment was brought to our attention because as teachers we have to take into consideration we are having administration, principals other teachers, and parents evaluate us. Not only by our skills of educating students but also by what is on our social media.

Abba brought up many points, but he said "I feel like there's nothing there that brings me down" because he has always been very cautious of what he post. If someone did see it, they would like him more because they would see all the dedication he puts in with his family and the things he is involved in.

I believe what is on your social media, truly describes who you are. Yes, we all might slip up sometimes and do the wrong thing, but it is those who do not care that post about anything constantly that will be affected negatively in the end. If you are involved in an organization at school you are more aware of what you post, but those who are not involved are more likely to post inappropriate things that will eventually affect them. You should only post things that you know will not jeopardize anything for you.

Every time you press publish or post on social media, it is out there forever. There is no taking it back. Many times people post things without even thinking about the consequences that may follow. When actually you should be questioning yourself, will this affect me getting into a college? Would I post this if I knew my parents would be viewing it? People should present themselves as if they had someone evaluating them at all moments. People make an opinion in three seconds about how they feel about you, so do not let them read something that ruins all chances for you.

This website includes multiple reasons why social media can be harmful to you. If you are doubting that it will come back to haunt you.

Your digital footprint truly determines your future.

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